The following is our tentative syllabus for the course, changes should be expected throughout the semester. I will announce in class, piazza, or through e-mail any major changes.
This course is going to teach you the essentials in real-time computer graphics.
Registrar Description:This course teaches the fundamentals of 3D computer graphics to learners who want to make games, 3D simulations, and have an interest in image processing. We use C++ and OpenGL to explore computer graphics programming and understand how to utilize the graphics processing unit (GPU). Additional guidance on using C++ and a refresher of linear algebra and its application in graphics is provided.
Previous experience with trigonometry and exposure to linear algebra.
You should have basic knowledge in github, using any text-based editor, and how to compile, run, and debug programs.
This course will be taught using C++. It is possible you have not taken a specific course on C++ --that is okay, just be willing to learn along the way with the provided materials.
I feel strongly about using C++, as the game and entertainment industry largely uses modern C++. The C dialect is additionally used for programming GPUs, so it can be easier think in one language.
There will be no required textbook to purchase for this course. However, these resources have been vetted, and I recommend for mastery (while taking this course, and reviewing later on in your career).
Students and instructors are to follow the University policies on these important issues.
Northeastern Non-Discrimination Policy - This classroom is a safe space for the instructor and students to talk about ideas, share viewpoints, and learn.
Northeastern Academic Integrity Policy - You only cheat yourself if you are not honest. Most often cheating occurs when an individual falls behind or perhaps has other circumstances occurring in their life. Please consult the instructor before ever considering cheating.
If you are caught cheating I have to report the violation. My official policy is you receive a 0 in the course. Always remember, if you use any external sources, you must cite them.
Student Code of Conduct: Students and instructors will follow the following guide for how we conduct ourselves. This is to create a respectful environment where everyone can learn.
Late Assignment and Make-Up Policy
This semester we have a very simple "make-up" policy. You turn the assignment in by the official deadline for a potential of up to 100%. If you submit the assignment up to 1-week late (7 days), you can get up to 90%. If you submit the assignment any time after 1 week, it is a 0.
Important Note: Course projects (or final examinations) however must be completed on time. Final course projects lose 10% per day that they are late. The reason for this, is because there is no time flexibility at the end of the semeter in which I must otherwise submit final grades (especially for graduating students).
Students participating in varsity athletics(this does not include club sports or intramurals) or other University sanctioned events (e.g. attending a conference like Grace Hopper, Tapia, Game Developers Conference, or otherwise presenting a research paper) may have the need for a make-up or flexibility in a deadline. You must contact me in advance of such events and provide materials documenting your participation (e.g. name in a conference program, registration, etc.), so that appropriate accommodations can be made if they are indeed an excused absence.
Note: Students who contact me after the event participation has taken place, are not elgible for extensions. The reason(s) for this is: 1.) It is not fair to expect me to accomadate your situation after it has happened. 2.) You need to learn communication skills (e.g. If you do not show up for work, you cannot ask your boss to forgive the absence after you come in the next day without telling them). 3.) Some students work multiple jobs, are caretakers, and have other sometimes invisible circumstances, and it is not fair to them for you to get an extension "after the fact".
Note: Previously I had used a "5 token" system (which no longer exists in favor of a better system) which allowed you up to 5-days of extensions. Instead a more equitable option, and to avoid issues of students guessing when to use tokens (or students e-mailing asking for more tokens, while others did not feel comfortable), I am giving everyone a 7-day window to submit assignments with up to 90% credit on every assignment. Please keep in mind, I am still giving assignments with the expectation and duration that the assignments can be completed by the first deadline otherwise.
Part of what makes university unique, is our diverse cohort of students, faculty, and staff. In order to support this, the university is committed to providing equal access and support to all qualified students through the provision of reasonable accommodations so that each student may fully participate in the University experience.
If you have a disability that requires accommodations, please contact the Student Accessibility Services office at or (617) 373-2675 to make an appointment with the Disability Resource Center representatives in 20 Dodge Hall to determine appropriate accommodations.
We Care is another university resource for helping tackle challenges you may be facing. Asking for help is okay!
Attendance Policy
Students who do well in this course tend to show up to the course consistently, participate (virtually or in-person), start coursework the day it is assigned (pro tip: read the assignment at the least, the day it is released!), and engage with their peers. Come to class, come on time, and build good habits! In-Class activities that are not completed during the specified duration are a zero.
Wellness Policy
While university can be difficult at times, please do take care of yourself. It is okay to seek help and take a break. Please communicate with your instructor, advisor, and officials at the university if you just need a mental break.
Northeastern University provides resources for student healthcare and general wellness:
I personally remember how difficult university can be juggling myself multiple jobs, multiple clubs, and trying to learn. Do take your wellness seriously!
Another resource at Northeastern is We Care which provides resources for students at Northeastern.
Assessment/Course Polices
Please find below the grading distribution that will be used for this course to compute a weighted average for your final grade. You will find grades you earn through the semester on Canvas and your final grade in banner.
Please do not ask me for an A on the first day of class (It happens enough I have a bullet point here).
Please do not ask me if I can raise your grade to the next level because you need it for X,Y,or Z reason -- you earn your grade. (It happens enough I have a bullet point here).
In the event of a sick/snow day (i.e. we miss a lab or in-class activity) the weight of each assignment increases (There may also be shuffling of course material if we are interrupted).
The expectation is that the assignments are fair but difficult, so you should start early!
Unfortunately, I cannot fairly make individual extensions for you (i.e. "special deals") -- your peers may also be making other personal sacrifices to complete work on time, and that is not fair to them.
Come speak to me about your wellness if something is otherwise impeding your progress so we can provide you available resources to succeed.
Assignments that do not compile/open receive no credit Simply put, programs that do not compile do not do anything.
There are no "re-grades" or points awarded one week after your grade is posted. "re-grades" may result in a higher, equal, or lower score.
Re-grades are done cautiously to correct any errors that may occur from the course staff.
Re-grades are not for "redoing assignments", you have the opportunity to improve based on the feedback for your next assignment.
Re-grades are not elgible for resubmission (i.e. you cannot submit different code/assignment for a regrade).
There are no "re-grades" after the semester is over.
Do not ask multiple members of the course staff for "re-grades"
Anywhere on Earth (AOE) when used as a deadline, means the assignment is due on that day, where anywhere in the world it is still that day.
If you are currently waitlisted, you must submit your homework on time. That is the gamble! If you do not have Canvas access, you will submit by e-mail or other course mechanism (e.g. github).
There are no extra credit assignments just for you. I reserve the right to add points to assignments that do go above and beyond however. I reserve the right to give an extra credit assignment to the entire class, though this is highly unlikely.
I reserve the right to modify the grading scale in your favor if you show exemplary proficiency in any of the categories. I will never modify the scale to lower a students grade.
In class work cannot be made up at a later date unless otherwise arranged with the instructor well in advance.
Course work completed after the due date cannot be graded, as solutions may have been discussed (this includes if taking this course for an Incomplete).
Once again, "in-class" work must be completed in-class unless there is a documented emergency or you have prearranged with the instructor a make-up well in advance.
Lab time or in-class activities (where applicable for in-person courses) are meant for helping students with the lab/activity, not completing homework. I have to prioritize the lab/activity first, then can answer homework questions.
AI Policy: Generally speaking, do not use AI to shortcut to your learning and generate code for you. AI will probably be useful for searching for help, finding idioms, and asking potentially clarifying questions. AI however may be detrimental to your learning. Make sure you understand what is generated -- typing out code, answers to exercises, making some mistakes, and putting thought into your work is how you learn and grow.
Generally speaking I like Microsoft Teams for office hours, but do not use it for ad-hoc questions (use piazza, or e-mail if there is a more personal question).
(For in-class courses) No Facebook, no cell phones. Not only does it distract you (the screen flickering or otherwise images/videos), it distracts others! Sit in the very back of the class if you must wander the internet. Laptops for browsing, searching for concepts, etc. is fine.
Everyone needs to come see me in office hours (or by appointment) at least one time during the semester to introduce yourself. The purpose is so that you:
Know where my office is (physical or virtual)
Get used to coming to office hours.
Let me know how I can help you achieve your goals.
Please do not redistribute or host any materials without e-mailing me first. I generally am happy to share the latest .pdf or slide presentation with those who ask. Thank you for your time!