Module 1 - Introduction to (Applied) Computational Geometry - Module Overview
1.) Introduction to (Applied) Computational Geometry
2.) Polygon Triangulation
3.) Convex Hulls 2D
4.) Cancelled for Travel
5.) Voronoi Diagrams and other arrangements
6.) Intersection Mathematics and Collision
7.) Robotics - Path Finding and Motion Planning
8.) Triangles and Transformations
9.) Mesh Representation Data Structures
10.) Blender3D Programming - Scripting, Python
11.) Mesh Simplification Algorithms
12.) Working with Curves and Surfaces
13.) mini-lecture: Special Topics: Surface Parmeterization, Shape Analysis, BSP Trees
14.) Wrap up
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Audio/Video Recording


Readings/Warmup (Do before class)

...Commented Code Samples (if any)

For now I am linking code samples here: Github Code Repository for the course

Additional Resources


(Graded) In-Class Activity link

  • In-Class Activity Link
    • This is graded, and only your first response is graded
    • This is an evaluation of what was learned in lecture.
    • Due one week from when the lecture takes place

Module Content

Module Overview

In this module we start the course!

Module Outline

  • Lecture outline
    • Course Structure/Administrivia
    • Introduction to Computational Geometry
    • C++ Introduction
    • SDL Introduction -- creating a window, handling keyboard input


(Optional Notes)

None given, consider this a 'beta' product for common questions I may revise later.

Please do not redistribute or host any materials without e-mailing me first. I generally am happy to share the latest .pdf or slide presentation with those who ask. Thank you for your time!