Module 14 - Wrap up - Module Overview
1.) Introduction to (Applied) Computational Geometry
2.) Polygon Triangulation
3.) Convex Hulls 2D
4.) Geometric Primitives and Collision
5.) Triangles and Transformations
6.) Robotics - Path Finding and Motion Planning
7.) Voronoi Diagrams and other arrangements
8.) Live Coding: Math Library
9.) Mesh Representation Data Structures
10.) Mesh Simplification Algorithms
11.) Blender3D Programming - Scripting, Python
12.) (Lecture combined with next week -- no lecture this week) Mike away for SIGGRAPH
13.) Working with Curves and Surfaces and mini-lecture: Special Topics: Surface Parmeterization, Shape Analysis, BSP Trees
14.) Wrap up

Audio/Video Recording


Readings/Warmup (Do before class)

...Commented Code Samples (if any)

For now I am linking code samples here: Github Code Repository for the course

Additional Resources


(Graded) In-Class Activity link

  • In-Class Activity Link
    • This is graded, and only your first response is graded
    • This is an evaluation of what was learned in lecture.
    • Due one week from when the lecture takes place

Module Content

Module Overview

In this module we wrap up the course

Module Outline

  • Lecture outline
    • Evaluations
    • Course Wrap Up
    • Projects


(Optional Notes)

None given, consider this a 'beta' product for common questions I may revise later.

Please do not redistribute or host any materials without e-mailing me first. I generally am happy to share the latest .pdf or slide presentation with those who ask. Thank you for your time!