mshah.ioCourse ScheduleCourse Information

CPSC 409/509 Real-Time 3D Computer Graphics Programming

'Let us make some pretty pictures--from the ground up' -- Your Instructor

The Famous Utah Teapot
The Dragon!
The Stanford Bunny

Schedule/Road Map

The following is our tentative syllabus for the course, changes should be expected throughout the semester. I will announce in class, piazza, or through e-mail any major changes.
WeekDateLecture and ReadingsProblem SetsNote(s)
1 2025-Jan-14
Module 1 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
  1. Course Structure/Administrivia
  2. Introduction to Computer Graphics
  3. Introduction to Graphics APIs and some History
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Welcome back to class!

Note: 1st assignment has extra time to accomodate students who add late.
1 2025-Jan-16
Module 2 - Graphics Application, SDL Setup, and PPM Images
  1. Graphics Application Loop
  2. SDL Introduction -- creating a window, handling keyboard input
  3. Setting up OpenGL with D and SDL
  4. Understanding the D compilation process
  5. Understanding images
  6. PPM Image Format and image data
PSET 01 Released (Due Jan. 23 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Jan. 30 for up to 90%)
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2 2025-Jan-21
Module 3 - Building Virtual Worlds, and GPU Graphics Pipeline Introduction
  1. Building Virtual Worlds
  2. Graphics Pipeline (OpenGL Perspective)
  3. GPU Hardware
  4. Some GPU History
  5. Understanding OpenGL C programming API
  6. OpenGL is a C API with global state -- it's a state machine
PSET 02 Released (Due Jan. 30 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Feb. 6 for up to 90%)
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2 2025-Jan-23
Module 4 - Modern Graphics: Buffers, Shaders, and a first triangle
  1. Computer Graphics Pipeline (OpenGL Perspective)
  2. Drawing our First Shape
  3. Vertex Array Objects(VAO)
  4. A First Shader
  5. Vertex Buffer in OpenGL
  6. Vertex Attributes
  7. Vertex and Fragment Shaders
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Add/Drop Period closes Jan. 22 at 5:00pm ET
3 2025-Jan-28
Module 5 - Attributes and Uniforms
  1. Using multiple attributes in vertex specification: color
  2. Uniforms
  3. GLSL Shader Programming Primitives
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3 2025-Jan-30
Module 6 - Meshes 01: Indexed Meshes
  1. Winding Order
  2. Culling
  3. Indexed Mesh
  4. Obj model format
PSET 03 Released (Due Feb. 8 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Feb. 15 for up to 90%)
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4 2025-Feb-04
Module 7 - Math 1 - Transformations: Numbers, Coordinate Systems, and Vectors
  1. Numbers
  2. Coordinate Systems
  3. 3D Vectors (Length, Unit Vectors, Dot Product, Cross Product, Normals)
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4 2025-Feb-06
Module 8 - Math 2 - Transformations: Matrices, Rotation, and Camera
  1. Special 4x4 Transformation Matrices
  2. Vertex Transformations
  3. Scaling, Rotation, Translation, and Shear
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5 2025-Feb-11
Module 9 - Math 3 - Transformations: Camera
  1. Projection Matrices
  2. Perspective Transform
  3. MVP Transformation
  4. Camera
  5. View Frustum Transform
  6. A Simple Camera
  7. Clipping
PSET 04 Released (Due Feb. 19 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Feb. 26 for up to 90%)
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5 2025-Feb-13Module 10 - Basic Lighting and Point Lights
PSET 05 Released (Due Feb. 20 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Feb. 27 for up to 90%)
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6 2025-Feb-18Module 11 - Light types, Multiple Lights
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6 2025-Feb-20Module 12 - Textures, Mipmapping, and Specular Maps
PSET 06 Released (Due Feb. 27 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Mar. 6 for up to 90%)
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7 2025-Feb-25Module 13 - Advanced Lighting (Normal and Parallax)
Online exam released on canvas Feb. 25 at 6:00pm EST
Brief Study Guide. Exam otherwise includes any other materials from lecture, slides, and homeworks. You must finish the exam in one sitting (i.e. when you open the exam, your time starts)
7 2025-Feb-27Module 14 - Terrain Rendering
PSET 07 Released (Due Mar. 6 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Mar. 13 for up to 90%)'
Online exam due on canvas (Exam due Mar. 7 Anywhere on Earth which is precisely Mar. 8 at 8AM EST)
8 2025-Mar-04Module 15 - Cube and Environment Mapping
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8 2025-Mar-06Module 16 - Scenegraphs
PSET08(Due Mar. 28 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Nov. Apr. 4 for up to 90%)
Mid-semester date (Mar. 7)
9 2025-Mar-11Module 17 - No Class
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Spring Recess
9 2025-Mar-13Module 18 - No Class
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Spring Recess
10 2025-Mar-18Module 19 - No Class
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Spring Recess - Mike at GDC, may be slow to respond to e-mail
10 2025-Mar-20Module 20 - No Class
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Spring Recess
11 2025-Mar-25Module 21 - Screen buffers: Stencil and Depth
PSET09(Due Apr. 13 Anywhere on Earth)

(Late Deadline Apr. 20 for up to 90%)
Mike Tentatively traveling to ACCU Conference; class will be pre-recorded or asynchronous remote
11 2025-Mar-27Module 22 - Framebuffer Objects (FBO), post-processing, and shadows
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12 2025-Apr-01Module 23 - Tentatively reserved for industry speaker (this may move, or a new topic added)
12 2025-Apr-03Module 24 - Advanced Graphics - PBR and Deferred Rendering
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Mike Tentatively traveling to ACCU Conference; class will be pre-recorded or asynchronous remote
13 2025-Apr-08Module 25 - Graphics Engine Study
Note: You should start committing to a final project around this time.
13 2025-Apr-10Module 26 - Advanced Graphics - More Shaders (Geometry, Tesselation, and Compute)
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14 2025-Apr-15Module 27 - Graphics Code Architecture and Optimization
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14 2025-Apr-17Module 28 - Vulkan and future graphics APIs
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15 2025-Apr-22Module 29 - Instructors Choice -- TBD (e.g. Multi-texture, Cartoon, animation, particles)
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15 2025-Apr-24Module 30 - Course wrap up
'Final project due May. 1 at noon ET. (Note: No extensions for final project; 10% late penalty every day project is late)
Last official day of class :(

Final Project presentations will tentatively be Thr. May. 1 from 4-6pm in ???
Please do not redistribute or host any materials without e-mailing me first. I generally am happy to share the latest .pdf or slide presentation with those who ask. Thank you for your time!